Development Program (Richmond Hill Hockey)

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Development Program

The RHHRA development program ranks among one of the finest in all of Ontario and the best in the OMHA based on its commitment to developing young officials into some of the finest the game has ever seen. This is done through the dedication of its members and the idea that “it takes a village to raise a child.” 

The entire basis of the development program run by the RHHRA is that every new member put of staff will be greeted by nothing other than open doors as he/she attempts to reach his/her maximum potential.  Along the way there will be senior staff and supervisors to guide that individual and mentor them through what can be years of both success and struggles and they strive to hone their abilities as an on-ice official.

Getting on staff however is not a lifetime membership to the RHHRA. All of its members are required to follow both the RHHRA’s constitution and its code of ethics, as well as show personal commitment to developing and improving.  Individuals who do not show the desire or who lose the drive to perform the job to the best of their ability may be asked to leave the program in favour of a new candidate.

The Development 

1.  New candidates apply to the Referee-in-Chief and register to try out for an available spot as an RHHRA official

2.  Tryout Event

     a) Interview process

     b) On-Ice tryout with full hockey gear

3. After a candidate is accepted they will be required to attend a new official’s course hosted by the OMHA so that they are certified and registered with the OMHA as an on-ice official.

4. The new official will be required to participate an on-ice development session prior to the season aimed at preparing them with the basics of performing the duties of a minor hockey referee. There will be additional on and off ice development sessions throughout the season for officials. 

5. The official will be scheduled games at the house league level for their first, second and third years of officiating. There will be opportunities for deserving and qualified officials to be internally fast tracked to rep hockey as early as their first year.

6. The mentorship program is based on the concept of a senior referees supporting the growth of developing referees. Senior referees in our association will guide and evaluate officials throughout the season. These evaluations and scouting reports will be passed onto RHHRA executives, development program leadership, assignors and area supervisors.

7. Young officials can expect to be supervised often at the start of their officiating career. 

8. The development program is constantly looking to promote officials to higher levels of hockey including junior hockey.