Peewee A Tournament Champions - Bradford Blue and Gold 2017, News, Peewee A, 2017-2018, A (Richmond Hill Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 20, 2017 | Muzzo, Diana | 2746 views
Peewee A Tournament Champions - Bradford Blue and Gold 2017
The Richmond Hill Stars Peewee A team participated in the Bradford Blue and Gold Tournament this November 17-19 weekend and came up victorious for a THIRD time this season!

Faced with tough opposition, the players fought tirelessly through 6 straight wins against the Brampton 45’s, Duffield Devils, Newmarket Redmen, Whitby Wildcats, and Welland Tigers edging out Newmarket in the final with a 3-1 win.


Congratulations to our players:  Simon Ciufo, Hannah Clarke, Gabriel Dattoli, Domenic Fasan, Noah Figueiredo, Jacob Ginsberg, Tommy Guido, Matthew Konkine, Adam Muzzo, Ryan Nuernberger, Marcelo Pelaez, Alex Pellegrini , Luca Polsinelli,  Christian Robinson, Alex Tencinger, Gavin Torkoff and Evan Tsiokos


Congratulations to our coaching staff: Chris Torkoff (HC), Alex Polsinelli (T), Tony Mastrangeli (AC) and Mike Dattoli (AC)


Go Stars Go!!